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Week 29 - Jesus Chooses His
First Disciples -
Bible Time FUN Through the Bible
Kids Bible Lesson 29 -
Jesus Chooses His First Disciples

Welcome to week 29!

This week your children learning about Jesus choosing his first disciples.

As Jesus preached by the Galilee River, the crowds grew very large.

Fisherman Simon Peter and Andrew let Jesus on their boat to give him more room for the growing crowd. After Jesus preached, he told them to sail out and let down their nets.


Simon Peter and Andrew caught so many fish their friends, James and John, had to help. They were amazed and left everything they had to follow Jesus.


In this Bible lesson, the children will learn that Jesus calls you to follow him and be his disciple too. Have fun learning this amazing story!

If you haven’t read the introduction to Bible Time yet, I recommend you read the outline about the Bible lessons for children first.

Children's bible lesson about Jesus chooses his 

first disciples - Key Concepts
The key concepts that we focused on this week are:

  • Jesus calls you to follow him.

  • Disciples are Jesus’ helpers.

  • Jesus can make us fishers of men.

You can also come up with your own key concepts.

Bible Verse for kids
The Bible verse for this lesson is Luke 5:10

“Don’t be afraid, from now on you will fish for people”.
This Bible verse should be simple enough for your toddler to memorize after a week of practice.