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Week 11 - Escape from Egypt -
Bible Time FUN Through the Bible
Kids Bible Lesson 11 - Escape from Egypt
Welcome to week 11!
Last week the girls learned about Baby Moses. This week the story continues as God speaks to Moses and tells him the plan he has to free his people, the Israelites, from Egypt.
In this powerful Bible story, the children learn that God is in total control over every situation and has the ability to protect us from harm. Have fun with this great lesson!
If you haven’t read the introduction to Bible Time yet, I recommend you read the outline about the Bible lessons for children first.
Children's bible lesson about escape from egypt - Key Concepts
The key concepts that we focused on this week are:
God is in control.
We shouldn’t harden our hearts to God’s word.
God will protect us from our enemies.
You can also come up with your own key concepts.
Bible Verse for kids
The Bible verse for this lesson is Exodus 9:10 “Let my people go, so that they may worship me”.
This Bible verse should be simple enough for your toddler to memorize after a week of practice.
Bible Story Tips
We read “The Escape from Egypt” beginning on page 21 of the children's Bible Storybook called Bible-Time Stories and Rhymes.
During story, draw attention to the key concepts for this lesson.
Don't forget to ask questions related to the story, for example, “What did God ask Moses to tell Pharaoh?”
The girls learned that God is in control and that we should not harden our hearts to him.
After the Bible story and discussion session, we stand up and do the interactive rhyme found in the Bible storybook.
After the story and rhyme, we say a prayer that is related to the Bible story. You can either have your children repeat after you or allow them to come up with their own prayer.
Bible Song about the escape from egypt
The Bible song for this week is "Pharaoh, Pharaoh".
We cast the song from YouTube to the television, so our children can see the motions on the big screen.
bible Activities about the escape from egypt
We did different Bible activities each day, related to the Escape from Egypt Bible Story. We also have a selection of free Bible activities about Moses and the Escape from Egypt here.
The Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all of the Moses Bible activities (plus more), printed and arranged for your convenience, Some fun and kid-friendly Moses Bible activities include:
the Escape from Egypt bible coloring Page
While our daughters colored the Escape from Egypt Bible Coloring Page, we talked about how the miraculous way God led the Israelites out of Egypt.
My daughter Allie, added a personal touch by drawing our whole family leaving Egypt.
Crossing the Red Sea bible Craft
This was a fun craft that showed that girls how God helped his people safely flee from Egypt.
We talked about how God opened the Red Sea, so the Israelites can escape their enemies.
We reminded the girls that God can protect us from our enemies.
- This Bible craft can be made by cutting out parting water using blue construction paper and the sand using brown construction paper, as well as a Moses figure.
- Next, have the children glue the water on both sides of Moses standing on the sand
(We used the “Crossing the Red Sea Bible Craft” found in the Bible Time Family Fun Pack.
Burning Bush Bible craft Activity
Moses had a miraculous experience when God spoke to him from a burning bush. He asked Moses to tell Pharaoh to free his people.
- We did a fun activity where we created the appearance of a burning bush using a paper bag, bush cutout and a candle.
- Try the Burning Bush Bible Activity for toddlers, to help remind the children that God is in control.
The Amazing Water Trick Bible Activity
Just when the Israelites thought they were trapped and had nowhere to go, God miraculously parted the Red Sea. This fun Bible activity will amaze the children by showing them how to separate pepper with their fingers.
You will need: a bowl, water, pepper and dish soap.
1. Put water into a bowl and sprinkle pepper evenly on top of the water.
2. Stick your finger into the water to show the children that nothing happens.
3. Put a drop of soap on your finger and dip it into the water. The pepper will separate and move to the sides of the dish. (Just like the Moses parted the Red Sea Bible activity.)
4. Let the children try the trick on their own.
I explained to the girls that God is in control and there’s nothing too hard for him to do.
Plague Finger Puppets
Pharaoh hardened his heart when God asked him to let his people go. This resulted in God’s sending ten plagues to Egypt.
We explained that hardening our hearts to God results in negative things happening.
- The finger puppets represent the ten plagues that fell on Egypt. Go over each plague with the children. Warn the children of ways we can harden our hearts toward God. (Like not trusting in Him)
- You can use the Scrambled Plagues Bible Game to create the plague finger puppets for this activity.
- I reminded the girls not to harden their hearts to God.
Scrambled Plagues Bible Game
This was a fun game that helped the girls get familiar with the plagues that were sent down on Egypt and their sequence.
While using the Scrambled Plagues Bible Game, I reminded the girls that that we should listen to God if he asks us to do something.
what's the Story? bible Quiz
We finished up the week recapping this week’s Bible story about the escape from Egypt and its miraculous events.
- The girls did a great job completing the story and putting it in the correct sequence, using the What’s the Story Bible Activity.
I hope you enjoyed week 11 of Bible Time FUN Through the Bible. Please comment or share using #bibletimefun.
Don't forget, the Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all these activities, printed for your convenience. Check them out below! Learn more about the Bible Time Family Fun Pack Subscription Box.
19. Give us a King
More to come......
Children's Bible Lessons
There are 52 children's Bible lessons, one for each week of the year.
Every lesson, craft and activity is simple, fun and interactive - tailored for toddlers & Preschoolers!!
To begin, select a lesson.
Old Testament
1. God Created the World
2. Adam and Eve's Sin
3. Noah and the Ark
4. The Tower of Babel
10. Baby Moses
11. The Escape from Egypt
13. Balaam’s Donkey
14. Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
16. Gideon's Army
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