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March Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use


Did you know that out of the 176 verses in Psalms 119, almost every verse mentions God’s Word? Actually using the American Standard Version only four (4) verses do not use a term representing God’s word. With the four (4) exceptions, every verse uses either “ judgments”, “ordinances”, “testimonies”, “word,” “ways,” “statutes,” “decrees,” “law,” “precepts,” “commands,” or “promise”. And this is a Psalm of praise, thankfulness, and worship. The central theme is the truth and praiseworthiness of God’s word.


God’s Word, housed between the covers of the book we call the Bible, is living, active and powerful. It is trustworthy and never changes because God’s character never changes. His words are a love letter to us breathing life and love into our sin sick souls. It is not an old-fashioned, irrelevant book. The Bible was given for us to know and love God. I hesitate to say we will understand him, because who can understand God. If one could then they would have to be on the same level as God and would God then not be so special?

So the Bible was given not to answer all of our questions, but to provide sufficient evidence for trusting God so that we would stop questioning and start obeying out of a loving experience with him. In building a relationship with God, we must then read the letter he sent to us. How was it constructed, what context are the various parts written in and how does this information apply to my life? What effect does it have on me and the way that I live or should live.

When we can see the Bible as an intentional personal and intimate message for oneself, it will no longer seem daughter or strange. God intents for you to learn of Him, then trust and love Him, and as a result of that obey Him.

God's very character is reflected through His Word. He is Righteous, He is Faithful, He is Unchanging, He is True and He is Love. Let’s learn more about his Word and allow Him change our lives.


  1. Bible Time FUN Through the Bible continues with theses FUN stories: Baby Moses, The Escape from Egypt, The Ten Commandments, and Balaam's Donkey. Download the FREE activities and follow along!

  2. We now have the Digital Version of the Bible Time Family Fun Pack. Check it out at our SHOP.

  3. Family Fun Pack activity boxes can now be purchased individually. Visit our SHOP.

  4. The March blog series is all about the Bible! Check out Part 1: The Anatomy of the Bible: Old and New Testament.

  5. March Freebies: Download our FREE Bible Study Resources! Click on the links below.

Catch up on February blog series:

For more fun news visit the Bible Time Fun Facebook page.


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