Easy Scriptures for Children to Learn | FREE ABC Memory Verses Through the Bible | Joshua 1:9
Follow along as we memorize Bible verses from A to Z! Download the FREE ABC Bible Scripture Cards and FREE Bible Study Resources. Also...

How to Get Your Child Excited about Reading the Bible | FREE Kid Friendly Bible Study Tools
Reading the Bible is important for growing our kid's faith. You may ask yourself, "How do I get my child excited about reading the Bible?"

A Creative Game for Bible Study Fun | Emoji Bible Stories Card Game | Bible Time Fun
Who says Bible study can't be fun? Biblegamescentral.com has been our go to site for finding creative, fun and engaging Bible games for...

Benefits of Playing Games | Five Reasons to Have Family Game Night | Bible Time Fun
We love family game night! It's a time we can come together and have fun as a family! Not only is it fun, there are also several benefits...

Easy Scriptures for Children to Learn | FREE ABC Memory Verses Through the Bible | Matthew 7:7
When my husband and I decided to create our own children's devotional book and activities, found at www.bibletimefun.com, we did it...

A Beauty Battle: Ruth vs Esther | Bible Belles | Bible Lessons on Real Beauty, Leadership and Faith
A Beauty Battle : Ruth vs Esther Ruth 3: 10-11 “...This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier:...And now, my daughter,...

Part 5: Be Careful Little Mind | FUN Ways to Teach Your Children to Guard Their Minds
Be Careful Little Mind For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down...

July Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use
FUN FACT Did you know that the armor’s breastplate, worn by soldiers in biblical times, was often composed of a solid piece of metal. ...

Part 4: Be Careful Little Feet | FUN Ways to Teach Your Children to Walk in God's Will
Be Careful Little Feet And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach...

Part 4: My Body, God’s Temple: Respecting Others | Teaching Children to Respect Others
Respecting Others "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35 The...