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Part 1: My Body, God’s Temple: God’s Dwelling Place | Teach Children that God Lives in Us

God's Dwelling Place

God asked Moses to build a sanctuary that he may dwell with his people (Exodus 25:8). And indeed He did manifest his presence in the Most Holy compartment of the Sanctuary just above the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, which held the ten commandments. Then God the Son came as man, Jesus Christ so that God could dwell physically amongst men and offer to us the only saving gift, Salvation. God has always desired to be with mankind. After Christ’s death and resurrection it was time to make the dwelling even more personal. God wanted to dwell inside of us.

Our very bodies are to be the temple of God. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 6:19 - 20 said “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” Picturing our bodies as the place where God dwells makes a big difference in how we treat it. Paul also said “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. We do not have to be in a special building to be in God’s presence. We do not have to be in a special setting for God to dwell with us.

Then how can Christ dwell within me? What is crucified to Christ? These are good questions and the answers are ones that we can make sure our children know. Why because knowing them will lead them to a loving, faithful and loyal relationship with God. Talk to the little ones about asking God to give them His desires. Teach them to ask God to train their wants to be what He wants and not their own. That is the crucifixion Paul is referring too. When we want the things of God and not the things of the earth. When we want to do for the good of others rather than just pleasing ourselves. Thus we live knowing that God is guiding us. We live in faith, knowing He will tell us what we ought to do and ought not to do, just as he did so many before.

Teaching our children that every part of their bodies, not just the mind, but also their feelings, their arms, legs, face, skin, stomach and everything else is important to God, then they and we will have a true appreciation for God’s creation in human beings, and in each other.

Here are some ways we teach our little ones that their bodies are the temple of God:

Tip 1: Sing songs that highlight how God is interested in our well being. "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See" is a fun song we like to sing and do the motions for. You can talk about ways we can be careful with our eyes, ears, hands, feet and mouths.

Tip 2: Read Bible verses that reinforce the idea that God knows each of us intimately. Check out our FREE Bible Study Activities to help teach the Bible verses in a fun way!

Tip 3: Have conversations about how people are unique. They come in all different colors, sizes and shapes with different skills, talents and abilities. Talk about how God made them all. We often use 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.

Listen to Bible Time's Song, "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes." Also, subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more FUN Bible songs for kids!

How do you teach your children that their body is God's temple?

Check out the other posts and FREE resources in the My Body, God's Temple:

Part 1: My Body, God’s Temple: God’s Dwelling Place

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