Daily Bible Verse - Bible Verses about Gods Love
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Inspiration To be loved. That is ultimately what we all seek. We desire to be loved extravagantly by someone, to be pursued by someone. The knowledge that God feels that way about us is almost too much to believe. But the Bible tells us that it was not our love for God that moved Him, but His love for us. The Creator's love for the the created is the real love--a Creator who was not required to love His creation, who could have just made us and walked away, but who loved us extravagantly enough to send His only son to die a wretched death for our atonement. That is the epitome of love. Prayer Father, When l think about how much You must love me, even when l was unlovable, l am overwhelmed. l accept Your love and l thank You for it. You have held me in high esteem and l will serve You all my days. Amen
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