Daily Bible Verse About Fixing Hope on Jesus - Bible Time - Bible Verses

1 Peter 1:13
Therefore, preparing your minds for action and being sober minded; set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Key Thought
When Jesus came the first time, he came to reveal who God is. As wonderful, powerful, and gracious as he was in his earthly ministry, he did not fully reveal all who he is.
Our hope is tied to his return. When he comes this time, he will reveal himself — the conquering Lord, our Savior and King. We will get to see him as he really and fully is — God in power and grace, triumphant in every way. We must prepare our minds for active service today by setting our hope fully on the grace of Jesus Christ. We can live under his leadership with obedience and praise today.
Is your hope in the Lord?
Father in heaven, I look forward to the day that you come through those clouds in great power in glory. Until that day help me to prepare my minds for action and keep my heart fastened on that hope of your soon return. Amen.
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