December Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use
Did you know the Bible doesn't say how many wise men came to see baby Jesus? What the Bible does tell us is that three gifts were brought for baby Jesus, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The Bible also does not say these men were Kings. The New International Version of the Bible calls the wise men Magi. Historically Magi’s were priests or religious leaders, sometimes Kings in Eastern culture. Perhaps that was the inspiration for the now famous song “We Three Kings”.
“In Him We Have Our Being”
It is not often that Acts 17 comes to mind when you think of verses appropriate for Christmas time. But I couldn't help but think of verses 25 through 28 for just this season. In those verses, Paul presents the true God to the people of Athens. Their city was filled with idols and statues, myths, and fables. Paul desperately wanted them to meet the God whom they did not know, yet had erected a statue for this “Unknown God”. He told them how God made nations from one man and appointed their history and their movements on the earth so that they would one day seek to know him. During this holiday season, as we remember the birth of Jesus Christ, his life, death, and resurrection, surely our minds can and should reflect on the history that God afforded us. The history of Christ, who was the example of God the Father, so that we may seek him, to know Him, to know of his love for Him. Paul goes on to say that we are then the offspring of God. That gives me such joy to know that I am special, you are special, I am loved, you are loved. During this holiday, when the noise of stuff, gifts, toys, wants, and desires seem to scream for our attention, turn your eyes toward the God that you may not fully know but that desires to know you. God the creator of this world “is not far from any one of us” (Acts 17:27b). This Christmas, He wants you and I to get to know Him even more.
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