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4 lessons from the Story of Samuel

samuel bible stories

In this Bible lesson your children learn about Samuel and his call from God. When Samuel was about three years old, his parents brought him to the temple to be blessed.

Samuel became both a great leader to the Israelites and a prophet of God. Through this Bible story, the children learn that they are not too young to be used by God and that they must listen carefully when God speaks, because he communicates in many ways.

Have fun learning!

1. Rise and Shine

Samuel was just a young boy, but God used him to deliver a big message. Samuel grew up to become a prophet of God and a leader for the Israelites. When God called Samuel to rise and shine, he listened and did God’s will

2. God communicates in many ways

The Battle of Jericho

God had a message for Samuel, so Samuel listened and did what God asked.

- We made the "Listening Ears" Bible craft to remind the girls that they need to listen to God.

- This Samuel Bible craft for toddlers can be made by cutting a band out of construction paper that is large enough to fit around the child’s head.

- Next, cut out two ear shapes from construction paper, then attach them to the head band. (We used the “Listening Ears Bible Craft" found in the Bible Time Family Fun Pack.)

The Battle of Jericho

3. Your never to young for God to use you

Samuel was young, but not too young for God to use him. Samuel grew up and became a great prophet. In this activity the children will learn some things they can do so God can use them.

4. Trust God

Samuel listened when God spoke and he answered saying he would obey. God used Samuel to do many great things during his lifetime. We used the "Good Listening Bible Printable", to teach the girls how to be good listeners.


We hope you enjoyed learning about Samuel. Please comment or share using #bibletimefun.

Don't forget, the Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes fun activities, printed for your convenience. Learn more about the Bible Time Family Fun Pack Subscription Box.

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